Student Registration Division

Registration and Student Affairs Division The Registration and Student Affairs Division is one of the important divisions in the college as it is concerned with student affairs since their admission to the college until their graduation and after their graduation as well and performs several tasks distributed over its units and is administratively linked to the Department of Scientific Assistant. The Registration Division includes four units: First: The Registration Unit: It takes it upon itself to take care of the affairs of students since their admission to the college until their graduation, and the tasks entrusted to it are the following: Receiving new students and registering them in accordance with ministerial instructions and sending their admission lists to the scientific departments. Issuing administrative orders for the admission and commencement of new students, orders for the failure of students by absence, disciplinary penalties, and registration promotion. Preparing a database of students for each academic year that includes comprehensive information for all students in the college and updating their information daily according to changes in the legal status of students. Completing statistics and answering books received regarding all students. Promoting students' transfer transactions to and from the corresponding colleges in accordance with ministerial controls and instructions

Second: Documents Audit Unit:
This unit is concerned with the following tasks:
Checking the documents of the preparatory or institute for students admitted to the college according to the controls and instructions in force.
Save students' files and archive them electronically.

Third: Student Affairs Unit:
It takes upon itself to take care of students' affairs since their graduation from the college and performs the following tasks:
Preparing lists of the names of successful students and preparing a grade card for each student in cooperation with the examination committees in the scientific departments.
Preparing lists of successful students' names, rates and sequences and sending them to the university presidency to issue university orders for their graduation and then issuing administrative orders to do so.

Fourth: Documents and Certificates Unit:
This unit undertakes the following tasks:
Providing students with documents, endorsements and wall certificates.
Answering the authenticity books of the issuance of documents and certificates.
Answering the official books of graduates.
Download students' grades, averages and all details related to their documents on the documents program.
Preparing detailed statistics of successful students for each academic year.