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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)‎ in AlAmal College for Specialized Medical Sciences


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Karbala Health Directorate, Karbala Agriculture Directorate, Karbala Environment Directorate, and the AlAmal College for Specialized Medical Sciences Energy Committee convened to discuss sustainability metrics for the 2024 THE Impact Ranking methodology. This discussion focused on the core Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which represent the United Nations' strategies for enhancing human life by creating optimal living conditions. These goals include: No Poverty (SDG1), Zero Hunger (SDG2), Good Health and Well-being (SDG3), Quality Education (SDG4), Gender Equality (SDG5), Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG6), Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7), Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG8), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG9), Reduced Inequalities (SDG10), Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG16), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG17). The summit emphasized that achieving these goals is a collective responsibility shared by all sectors, including the community, education, business, government, and non-profit organizations.

A specialist university committee to research and prepare plans to carry out the sustainable development goals in accordance with the THE Impact Rankings methodology 2024 has been established by the AlAmal College for Specialized Medical Sciences. This needs real coordination with the rest of the community and all local, regional, and international groups and institutions that are interested.

Since the university's founding in 2021, coordination has been ongoing between the AlAmal College for Specialized Medical Sciences and the charity Al-Ayen Social Care Foundation, which has been registered as an NGO in Iraq since 2006 and engages in international work. Through this partnership, the university was able to support and provide financial aid to dozens of low-income families and orphans, in addition to providing financial aid for low-income students to help them finish their degrees at the University. The university has also formed a committee to reduce education fees, and the university has reduced education fees for many families with limited income in the Karbala Governorate.

Ever since it was founded in 2021, the AlAmal College for Specialized Medical Sciences has hosted a number of free training seminars to assist the newly established: Energy investment toward sustainable development in the governorate of Karbala, Radioactive pollution in the Karbala Governorate and air pollution, Energy saving, Anti-drug, Its impact on climate change and how to reduce emissions through energy subsidies, Autism spectrum, Dust storms, their causes, damage, and treatment, Drugs are a scourge that destroys the security of the country, Crisis and disaster management, Drug addiction, Legal and political empowerment of women, Intellectual security in the health field, Drugs and their health, psychological, and social impact.

Furthermore, as a fundamental university policy, mentorship services are offered continuously to all pertinent start-up enterprises.